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Month: August 2017

Social Security Disability Back Benefit Calculation

Understanding How The Social Security Disability Back Benefit Works

If you are in the process of getting paid your Social Security Disability benefits, you are probably asking yourself how does the “back benefit” or “back pay” works. First, let me go over what a “back Benefit” is if this is the first time you are hearing this term: Back Benefits (or back pay) is …

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The Social Security disability Hearing. Nifty Hearing Checklist included

The Social Security Hearing: Best Ways to Argue Your Case

The Social Security hearing is probably the most stressful part of the claim for most people. To start, it’s probably the first time the person is in front of a judge. Claimants have these expectations about the place, how a judge will call you and how the judge will address the impairments. The list goes …

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