My name is Tatiana Froes and this is Sydney, my Rose Breasted Cockatoo, the star of my back cover image. Isn’t she lovely?
I am a Disability attorney in Arizona and the author of the book Real Tactics For Filing Your Disability Claim.
After seeing so many claimants struggling to understand the process of filing for disability, I decided to write the book to help claimants not only to prepare their claim before filing but also to understand what to do next once the claim is filed.
I hope you find the book helpful in your journey!
And if you read the book and you think it can help others, I am always grateful if you can leave a positive review on my Amazon book page
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I thank you for your readership and stay tuned for news and updates.
Available on now Amazon Kindle and soon in Paperback
Lawyer bridges gap for millions seeking disability benefits
Phoenix, Arizona – September 7, 2018
Disability Attorney Tatiana Froes got tired of seeing how a gap in today’s Social Security system causes problems for endless rows of people in need of disability benefits. Froes decided to write a book to bridge the gap and help people navigate through the system.
“On average, over two million people file disability claims in the US every year – more than 5 000 every day. There is a gap in the system, that causes not only frustration but delays and denied applications for many claimants”. Froes said.
Her new book ‘Real Tactics for Filing Your Disability Claim’ explains that while the natural first step in the process might seem to just file a disability claim, this is where so many go wrong.
“There are very important steps that must be taken before filing a claim, such as talking to medical providers about disability and gathering medical evidence. Proper advice often proves to be the critical difference for whether or not the claim gets approved. So many face denials because they never started on the right track”.
Froes explains that some will file too early, too late, with little to no treatment, with poor medical notes, or simply they don’t quality. There is also a time limit on the filing process, that risk putting people in a very dire situation, with few options available.
“We lawyers wish we could help people from the beginning where they need it the most – but we are simply not always able to take on an early case because the government fee structure doesn’t allow us to. So, claimants are left on their own trying to start in this convoluted process”.
Ms. Froes decided to write a book to bridge the gap for disability claimants, ranging from veterans to people suffering from depression or mental disabilities, spinal issues, invisible illnesses like autoimmune, Fibromyalgia, chronic pain or heart problems.
“Anyone can be hit with a disability, a medical condition that potentially prevent them from working. I hope my book will help in a time when so many need it, and to hopefully prevent claimants from fighting the system for years, or worse, end up completely without benefits”. Froes said.
For more information or interview requests, please contact Tatiana Froes, [email protected] or 602-908-8700.
About ‘Real Tactics for Filing Your Disability Claim’
An easy step-by-step book geared toward helping disability claimants file and navigate their Social Security Disability claim, whether that claimant is starting with a little knowledge of the process, or none at all. The book covers not only the ‘when’ and ‘where’ and ‘how’ of filing a well-prepared claim, but it also shows claimants how to read and understand their medical records and organize their claim evidence. The author also offers access to an exclusive Facebook page through which readers can ask general questions about the concepts learned in the book.
About the Author
Ms. Tatiana Froes is a Disability Attorney practicing in Arizona where she has represented many claimants and handled even more requests from people whose cases she could not take on. Her passion is to comb through piles of medical records to make sure that her clients have the best possible medical evidence to support their Long Term Disability and Social Security Disability claims. She has made it her life mission to help others find their way through the complicated process of filing for Social Security disability. Tatiana is also a blogger at realtactics4disabilityclaims.com.